About CATIAS macros and VBAscript


I would like to make macros in CATIA.

With the help of a classic VBA book, I was able to see how to make programs in VBA.

On the other hand, to communicate with CATIA and in particular to bring CATIA data (point, axis,...) into my program, I need to use "macro" functions specific to CATIA (in VBAscripts, example: GetCoordinates).

On the other hand, I can't find any help on the list of CATIA functions. In addition, when I launch the manual recording to know these functions, they do not appear.

Do you know where I can find help with CATIA's own "macro" features? And in particular the arguments required for a function?

FYI, I have CATIA help on my r5v21 version but it seems to me that there is not much in this help.

Thank you in advance for your help.


All information about the VBA is in English, for example:




This site is interesting. But I'm still a little disappointed. I couldn't find the list of CATIA functions and the explanation of the arguments to enter into these functions to make them work properly.

Has anyone ever used these CATIA features? How did you go about understanding the arguments for these functions? In short, the instructions for use related to the use of a 


This site can help you a little I think:



In the CATIA installation folder there is the file "v5Automation.chm" which describes the CATIA API.

Personally I use it to code in python and c#.