About the CATIA Interference Module (in DMU Fittings)


I would like to know more about this tool and in particular the parameters that I can reuse from this module. In particular, I would like to use this calculation to calculate how much two solids are interpenetrating. For the moment, it seems to me that I only see a max value.

Do you know where I can get information or docs on this subject? 

What is behind the different types "Contact&Interference", "Game&Contact&Interference", "Game Allowed", "Interference Rule"?

Thank you in advance for your help


DMU Fitting is used to simulate the movement of parts for assembly and maintenance (I don't have it).

The "Interference"  command is a classic command available in Assembly design. This is what is usually called the "clash" analysis.

EDIT: I'm putting a screenshot because it's possible that with the DMU Fitting workshop this command will be enriched with additional options that I don't have??


if you have the help installed just select the command then F1

In case I have attached the page concerned




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Too fast Franck ...

And in addition you have a nice html file with images^^

Thank you Franck, I forgot that I had help recently.

I am trying to get to know this module better because I am trying to position parts in relation to each other but constrained. Why, because the parts in question are made up of complex surfaces.

Digging into the help, I have "dmu space analysis ecad placing routing algorithms" which may be what I'm looking for.

Here is a screenshot of the info I found in the help:

Here is the sentence that interests me:

"Create a mechanical constraint area taking the clash into account; then transmit the information to the ECAD system in order to integrate it into the placing/ routing algorithm".

Do you have any ideas for implementing this method?

To begin with, do you know what the ECAD system is? and where is it?

Thank you in advance for your ideas.



ECAD = Electronic, Electrical CAD.

I don't have these modules but at first glance it's for the placement "components, or clamps, connectors etc" and  routing "traces, or cables".


Oh dear, it doesn't smell good because I mainly do mecha.

And for the "the placing/ routing algorithm", do you have any ideas where it is?