What is Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications "VSTA" used for?

I'm optimizing the system options in SW to "maybe" save time using SW and I was wondering what the VSTA function was for?


Editing, creating and running DotNet macros, everything is explained here.

Kind regards

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I read that's who was in the help but I'm going to do my thing anyway, does SW use the VSTA function often or is it a function that the user puts into action.

In the end, I would like to know if it is useful to activate it or not for an average user?


For an average user, it is not useful to activate it.

Kind regards

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Thank you d.roger,

Is it useful when we create macros, etc...?

This is useful for creating macros in vbproj or csproj formats, without this VSTA module only macros in swp format are possible but it is the standard format for Solidworks macros and  it is this format that is used by the largest number of Soldworks users.

Kind regards