Purchase of a graphics station


I want to buy a second-hand station to learn about Solidworks 2017/2018 at first, then to rendering (maybe zbrush, I work in jewelry) later. I don't have a big budget, about 800€ for a fixed and reliable station (complete pc).

I have listed in the attached FILE some references seen on sites recommended by members here (thank you ;-) for this info), and put in yellow the PC that seems the most interesting to me. Not being knowledgeable in the matter, I will need your advice on the final choice.

Thank you in advance for your advice,







I think that the term graphics station is not appropriate because this term covers rather specialized stations for the production of very sophisticated special effects and very complicated cartoons.

As for solidworks, we stay on classic computers, whether they are tower or laptop. On the other hand, for 800 € it may be a bit tight.

This subject was dealt with a few days ago! You can refer to it, everything has been said or almost.

Keep us informed

Kind regards

Hello Zozo,


The term graphics station is used by suppliers to also refer to the type of PC I am looking for, hence the use of this term.

I have indeed already consulted several discussions including the link you put above and that's why I made a choice listed in this doc. Have you looked at the doc I joined and do you have an opinion? 

Kind regards



Video card:

the Quadro FX 5800 was released around 2009, it's a very old card.... old generation...

Quadro K4000 old generation too...

It would be a shame to have a new pc, with an old (or even very old) graphics card.

in CG, I would recommend P4000 (which is the current generation)


16 GB ECC (32 GB ECC if it's to do a lot of simulation calculations, or photo rendering)


SSD (standard "from my point of view" for at least 8 years)

500 GB (although today 1 GB SSDs have become accessible)

Is there a backup system on the network? If the answer is no, accompany with an external (or internal) hard drive (SATA or SAS) to make the backups.


Unless it's for a PC-server, or to do 'calculation-render-to-death': it is not necessary to have a bi-CPU.

(we used to use bi-CPU motherboards, to overcome the problem of having little core in the proc, it was 10-15 years ago, today with the proc 6 core or more, it no longer has any reason to be, for a work PC)

a Xeon 6 core (12 threads) still allows you to occasionally do some calculation or rendering!

Having more core would be useful to do a lot of calculation, or photo rendering (like 60-100% of the work week)

So more than 6 cores, for an occasional solicitation, it's like having a sports car, and staying in first gear...

That's my opinion...

EDIT: after the total budget to change some choices, such as instead of starting with the current generation, taking the previous one...

Example of configuration at DELL: 2992 €

CG = P4000

Proc: Xeon W-2133 (6 core)


SSD 512 (a small sdd, then there are more expensive ones...)

(I don't know if the link will work)

DELL config links

Thank you very much Olivier for the clarifications provided, I will print all this, review my choice and if necessary come back for other questions,





The link works very well, thank you ;-)

Hello, it's clear that your budget is limited but if you want to work a little fast and do a good job you should see if you can't increase your budget, or start on a more basic pc and improve it as you can, But then again, in the meantime, you may spend long hours waiting for your PC to work.


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Oops, I hadn't seen your budget in the first message...

Then we can see a new "entry-level" config at DELL (professional components) around 2000 €

The configuration I put is for a "mid-range" CAD PC

And you can also make "high-end" configs for more expensive...

Otherwise, we can see old configs, like in the word you put in, for example:

the Dell T5610 config with Quadro K4000, looks good.

Phew, you reassure me because it's just to introduce me to Solidworks, until then I master the software a little while ago. . .

Ok G. That's another option too, thanks for this info 

Kind regards 



Yes when I read @olivier42 with his 2992€ computer, I told myself that he had slightly (very slightly) ignited compared to the basic question:D



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Hello, on amazon there are used dell T3500 at 249€ I tested and it works very well

Of course, the coffee maker next to it becomes necessary but for the Solidworks initiation it is still sufficient to draw small parts.

then to start a gaming PC with an i7 at more than 3Ghz in which you remove the graphics card to put a pro not very satisfying of the most demanding beginners... and a simple K2200 with 4GB of ram at 300€ is enough to satisfy rendering with visualize while quietly having your coffee



It's true that a K2200 graphics card could be quite suitable for jewelry

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for a start on SW 

Here is a nice second-hand PC not ruining 


you can if you want to increase the ram

put 2 hard drives

and with a docking station have 2 screens of decent size

It's a great PC I casi the same an 8770W with 16 giga of RAM 2 DD SSD

docking station and 2 HP ZR 30  and 24 inch displays

and it works perfectly for SW 2017

in addition to my HPz 400 station under xeon

@+ ;-)


I wanted a fixed station and without the need for a coffee maker next to it permanently ;-) following Olivier42's advice, I bought the Dell T5610 config with Quadro K4000:

Proc Intel Xeon Es - 2620 v2 hexa Core

16 GB RAM 

2x256 GB SSD 

With the description of yours gt22, should it be fine? 

And like Asus Vc239h screen which seemed not bad for CAD. 

I found the pc at 819€ at microkdo, recommended by you I think gt22 and I confirm that they are top-notch! They are responsive and replaced the accessories with new ones and offered delivery :-)

Thank you for your contribution and have a good day.






Great, I'm delighted for you
