Enable the eDrawings toolbar in solidworks Explorer

Hello people,

Maybe you can help me?

In SolidWorks explorer in the display tab (see screenshot): Sometimes I have the eDrawings toolbar displayed and sometimes not, it's random (It depends on which computers)

Do you know how to always leave the eDrawings bar on?



Try to repair the installation of Edrawings.


It has trouble settling in and therefore does not launch on the Sw explorer

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The bar doesn't always get going.

On the same machine, the bar sometimes starts, the problem is recurrent on all machines. That's strange. 



Me on my machine he messed around, like you.


It would sometimes launch, and sometimes it would give me an error message when I clicked on display.


So I repaired the installation and everything went back to normal.

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Thanks for the info.

I'll test it

Sorry I can't help you more.


Come back and do your report =)

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