Enable multi-search in PDM 2020

Hello everyone, we recently migrated solidworks and the PDM to the 2020 versions.

The problem is that before I could do a multi-search, just typing the numbers one after the other just by putting spaces.

today it doesn't work anymore, yet in the help of PDM this subject is present on how to do the multi-search. I guess this must be an option to activate!? Do you have an idea, please???

Kind regards 


Attached is a picture of what I want to do.





Normally no option, this is the default operation. After that, is it a regression of the 2020 it is quite possible.

PS: The name of the chest in the screenshot is visible in the second part of the search window (bottom left)

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Hello, so no new solutions anywhere!?  

My computer scientist found me a way to search for several terms, 

you have to type e.g.: number 1 "ALT GR + 6" number 2. All of this , in a row without space, is not very practical but it's still better than nothing.

Let's wait for future versions, maybe it will come back.

Kind regards



There were indeed some new developments in the research of the PDM 2020: 



That should answer your question. 


yes thank you, but no more than I already knew unfortunately, thank you anyway, let's hope that in the upcoming version, they will add it.




Otherwise see if it's not based on Windows searches in which case you have to type OR in capital letters between each search criteria.

No I tried on windows it doesn't work, not even "ALT GR+6" moreover when changing the trunk I didn't do a windows update...

I think it's been done but you need a space before and after OR. <Criterion 1> OR <Criterion 2>

Works on search in Windows 10, for PDM I'm still on 2019 so no problem with a simple space between each criteria. There remains the reseller's hotline in this case (for my part, we will only test and install 2020 when the SP5 is released).

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