Refresh the Cube Visualization


I'm having a problem with the automatic update of the visualization cube. For example I created this piece of furniture (see attachment) driven by equations to be able to easily modify it (size of the boxes, number of boxes, etc). When creating the visualization cube it fits correctly but it doesn't follow the furniture when I change the equations (while it follows other furniture not driven by equations). The visualization cube is used to optimize the transport in the truck once the furniture is finished and this information is taken automatically with a macro so there is no possibility to enter the value otherwise (the macro automatically takes the value "SW-Length/Width/Total Thickness of the visualisation@@@Cube visualisation@@Config@Nom cube of the room" of the custom properties).

I haven't found an answer to my question, so I'm coming to you to see if anyone has the solution...

Thanks in advance!



When using equations in an assembly that has components that are also driven by equations, it is not uncommon to rebuild your assembly several times (CTRL+Q) so that all the equations are solved.

Otherwise, another clue, the order of the equations may not allow you to update your visualization cube?



After many tries, CTRL+Q / CTRL+SHIFT+Q does not solve the problem.

"Otherwise, another clue, the order of the equations may not allow you to update your visualization cube?" I don't really understand this question, how could the order of the equations prevent the visualization cube from updating? (FYI, the auto-resolution order box is checked)

Kind regards

I didn't know that your option (FYI, the auto-resolution order checkbox is checked) was checked. This checkbox automates the order of the equations in the 1st level document (your assembly), but if equations are present in your components, it is possible that these equations are not solved in the desired order.

Not having your files or your macro it will be difficult to help you. Can you share your documents? 

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I made a piece (simple cube) to show the problem on a simpler model and it allowed me to find where the problem comes from.

I didn't know but if the cube is hidden (hide/show option from soliworks) then the cube doesn't change size anymore... As soon as I put it in visible it changes as soon as I update the model.

I hide it very often to avoid having the cube visible in the middle of the assembly but I had never noticed that it no longer followed the model (I always did it at the very end but in the case of a configurable piece of furniture I have to modify it after the installation of the visualization cube, that's why I see the problem only now...).

Thanks anyway to you for looking!


Okay and thank you for posting your answer. It will certainly be able to help other people who are asking the same question.

Good luck

Kind regards

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So, since there is a macro that goes behind it, why not cause the cube to be displayed (and therefore refreshed) at the macro level?

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The macro in question is at the level of the drawing, if we can avoid touching the model for now it's always one less to manage, but we'll probably look in the future to do it yes to avoid that the cube is wrong if we hide it. The question here was mainly to identify what the problem was, since for me the hide function of Solidworks did not prevent the functions from moving ;)

Kind regards