Administration PDM

Hi all

I use an automatic number increment system in solidworks via PDM (Ex: when I make a new part, it automatically has a number "MS0001" which is incremented automatically. If I make a new last number, its number will be "MS0002" and so on.)

What is the procedure for handling this increment in PDM? I would like to change the increment number.

Thank you in advance.


In the administration tool, you have to go and change the increment of the counter used, in the Serial Number menu. On the other hand, it necessarily increments by +1, we can just give the next value.


So let's assume my current increment is "10", in my admin tool I manually change the number to "20", we agree that the next number that will be created will be the "21" and not the "11" initially, and the numbers "11" to "20" will not be created automatically in pdm and will be "free"?

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Yes, that's right.

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Thank you;)