Material Assignment - Appearance



When assigning a material using favorites, Solidworks does not offer the option of applying or not applying the appearance.

If there is an appearance (color), it is changed, how to uncheck this option by default?





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If I understand correctly,


On the right side, you have to make a copy of your material and paste it in the bottom part, custom material and thus you can change the color.

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No, what I mean is that when assigning a material, the appearance of the material is applied because the option is checked by default. How do I make this option inactive by default?

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Okay, so I think that's it,

When you edit the material on the Appearance tab, you have to uncheck the box at the very top. "Apply the appearance of/"

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- Open a new part document.

- Add a material, by unchecking the "Apply Appearance:" option

- right click on material: remove material

- Save the file as part template.



When making a new part from this document, when adding a material, the "apply appearance" option is now unchecked.




Good morning and best wishes to all.


To answer your question, you need to open your template file "coin.prtdot". Then you apply a material to it, then you go to the "appearance" tab. Then you uncheck the "apply appearance" option. Finally, you remove the material and save your .prtdot file. This will uncheck the option in your base model.


Have a nice day.