My workstation has just been reinstalled, and despite saving the Solidworks user settings, I find some differences, 1 of which I can't resolve. I was able to do it years ago but I can't find the way to correct the following parameter:
In an assembly, when I double click on a part to make the design dimensions appear, they change font according to the zoom level. In short, I have to zoom in to magnify the dimensions. Previously, regardless of the zoom level, the dimensions were always the same size.
I went through the system and document options, and I can't find a few check/uncheck boxes.
Can someone help me?
Hello and welcome;
This is probably the value in the options of the " Skinning " document:
(to be checked for each type of document).
=> Remember to save your Solidworks settings as soon as you are satisfied with the change in the setting.
Great, that's right
Thank you!!!