Sketch Dimension Display

Hello company.


Today I'm opening a file that I drew a few days ago.

As soon as I want to edit a sketch, or make a new one, the quotation becomes illegible.

See PJ.

Display bug? What happened? and above all how to remedy it?!


Solidworks 2015 SP5.



Have you just tried to restart your PC? I always start with that when I have a bug...

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I just restarted the software.


there is a little better but still a problem! The number "6" is added before and after each rib!

I've never seen anything like it!


I have things going on on my machine, I'll restart a little later.


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As long as it doesn't put you 666 before all writings... ;) it's just a bug:)

I already had this in 2014 and yes a restart works at home for this bug.

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if what my colleagues have proposed does not work; You can try a repair of the software by going to Control Panel then add, delete programs then you right-click on Solidworks then modify and repair individually on the PC or something like that. I'm not in front of my pc ;-)


the................ devil........................ is between

in  your PC...................... ;-)

he's in part to sketch all your plans................; -(

SW left the door open for him.................; -(

@+.......; -)..........; -)


Restarting the PC has visibly desensitized Sldw!