Strange pencil display and assembly problems


After my NVidia graphics card crashed, I had to close SolidWorks, and  I had just registered my assembly.

Unfortunately, when it opened, several problems:

The display is very strange, as if penciled and very very blurry (sorry for the image can be explicit, the machine is subject to confidentiality...)

Some pieces have disappeared,

the roation tool sends me to the cabbages as soon as I want to turn around my eyesight....

I specify that the problem only exists for this assembly and disappears when I open one of the parts or another assembly....

For the rotation I exchanged the "turn around the stage floor" without success...

Would you be able to solve this mystery?

Thank you in advance :3

What does Solidworks Rx / Diagnostics give


Hi, ouch, Have you tried deleting files and reactivating them gradually??? We see several superimposed and offset displays. You should also try a graphics card driver update!


Good luck!




Have you tried with another position?



Regarding the weird display, sometimes it does it to me, I just have to change the scene and go back to the basic one for it to go back to normal. It may not be your problem but it's worth trying.


Small being places...
The graphics are fully compatible and to jor; I only have the problem with this assembly

I put the display settings back to factory values, etc, no change.

I tried on other posts: the display remains the same, weird.


For the moment I started from an older recording. Do I leave the topic open in case the solution brings to someone who might have the same problem?
In any case, thank you for your help and compassion^^


What happens if you put the display in wireframe and turn off the shadows?