Display of the drilling table on multiple columns


I recently discovered (video presentation of the new SW 2019 products) the function to create a drilling table . I think this will greatly simplify my drawings (at least I hope so). Nevertheless, sometimes this table is rather well filled and it exceeds in height compared to the size of my sheet, despite my manipulations on the size of the characters and the width of the boxes. I also tried to position the drilling table on another sheet, but it doesn't seem possible.

Do you have any ideas for formatting this drilling table?  Do you have any comments on the use of this feature?

Thank you for your help and have a good Monday!


I'm in the same situation, have you found a solution?

Have a nice day.


You can right-click on it and some options appear (including splitting it).

To put on several sheets, you just have to create a new sheet in the drawing and then move the table to this new sheet (to be done from the tree manager). 

Does this answer your questions?

Kind regards