Displaying Mass Properties

Hi all


on SW2014 SP2, my Tools/Mass Properties command does not work. The same goes for Material in the Feature manager!

Do you have an idea?


Since when do these functions no longer work?


What do you call Tools/Materials?

And your material database is well populated in your options? (See image)


Look at this link 



A small screenshot?

Personally, my mass property is entered in my personal properties and appears in my automatic cartridge.


That way, I never calculate anything. =)

If it is the "Material" line of the Feature Manager that is not displayed, go to Tools/Options/Feature Manager and for Material select "Show".


For Tools/Mass Properties, make us a screen print that we understand.

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Well I did the checks you asked me + screen photo:


1/- The Material command in the Feature Manager, see image "matériau_dans_featuremng.png

2/- The material database in the system options, I do have a "Custom materials.sldmat" file.

3/- To better specify my pb, since SW14 is on my machine, the "Tools/Mass Properties" command doesn't give anything. It should show me a window with the info and functions dedicated to the ground.

So I did an update in SP2 thinking to solve the pb. It doesn't work!




Have you been to see this as Bart said


can be a problem updating the datastores

@+ ;-)

You can always do the classic trick of repairing the installation or re-installing.


All this of course by cleaning the disk and the registry between the 2 with CCleaner or other.



See this FOFO page


@+ ;-)

Sometimes the window appears, but off the screen. So we have the impression that it doesn't work, and that it blocks solidworks.


Try a reset of the windows registry to do this you need to rename the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks]




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I will provide the same answer as Fabrice, for me it's just the window that is positioned outside the screen


to get even more into the registry keys I would even say [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2014\UserInterface]

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Thanks to Fabrice_A and Fthomas for their expertise. Indeed, the problem came from the registry!

Thank you also to all the others for their contribution.