Displaying Piece Name in Tree


We work with SolidWorks 2012 and a property form created by our colleagues in Germany, and integrated with an SAP interface. So we can't canker the names of existing properties.

The designers of the form named the title Description1 and the subject that appears in the title block Description2.

Unfortunately, in the design tree (parts and assemblies) the names of the parts do not appear. To see them, you have to check the box show description of the components. OK.  I also need to create a new Description property in Customize. No problem. However, in order not to enter the title twice, if I give the value $RP:"SW-Title" in Description as is the case for Description1, the evaluated value is correct, but in the tree instead of the name of the component, it is $RP:"SW-Title" that appears and not the title, the assessed value of Description.

How do I make the title appear in the tree without writing it 2 times in the properties and without modifying the current properties of the form?

Thank you


I didn't try but rather than setting the value to Description via the property window try by a formula

Thank you

I tried to say that Description = Description 1 or Title, but with or without a quotation mark, the name is not accepted.

How to do it?


Have a nice day

Have a piece on the screen (with your properties perdonalized):

In System Options, then General:

"custom property used as component description"

Select your "Description 1" from your list


Thank you, the path is clear.

In a part with the properties Description1, Description2, Description..., In System Options, custom properties used as the description of the component, descripion is selected by default. The Description1 and Description2 properties, or other specific properties in the Customize list of the information summary  do not appear in the list of custom options. Is this a bug in the 2012 version or do you have to do something to make sure that these custom properties are not taken into account?


For me in SW2014, the @flegendre solution doesn't work either.


PS: I know I don't advance the question much but hey...


Thank you. I see that there was no solution at the forum. I'll ask MyCad from SolidWorks if they have one. For the moment I am doing a double entry. It's not dramatic, only a shame with a 15,000 CHF software.

So no better answer 


Thank you. I see that there was no solution at the forum. I'll ask MyCad from SolidWorks if they have one. For the moment I am doing a double entry. It's not dramatic, only a shame with a 15,000 CHF software.

So no better answer 


Thank you. I see that there was no solution at the forum. I'll ask MyCad from SolidWorks if they have one. For the moment I am doing a double entry. It's not dramatic, only a shame with a 15,000 CHF software.

So no better answer 

By saving a file with description: add a description as the description of the component, and choosing in Tree View: Show Component Descriptions, this description is displayed in the tree.