Hidden Room Display

Hi all.


I have a drawing with an assembly in "hidden lines deleted" mode (see screenshot attachment).

I'm looking for a solution to indicate that a part is present in the profile (view 2 in the attached screenshot).

The "show hidden edges" solution on this component doesn't suit me (view 2 in the attached screenshot). In my case, far too many edges pollute the display for my needs.

Do you know a trick to make this component appear more simply with fewer dotted edges? (as in view 3 in the attached screenshot).


Thank you




Why not use a local cut in this place?




Or, from the tree on the left, make this part (the rail) transparent only in this view by activating the additional "Appearance" tab of the tree, then right-clicking on the line style:


The first one on the left or the second one on the left of the one in red on this image:



yes as said @ Lucas


Local cut see tutorial





or you can also make it translucent via the appearance of the rail




Yes, I did think about the local cut but in my case, ideally, I prefer that the piece remains displayed as it is in reality.

The idea of making it transparent poses the same problem for me.

Thank you for your suggestions.

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The only way out will be hacking: you can overlay the same view (copy-paste the view), hide all the components of your copy except the trolley, right-click on the assembly in the component's Feature Manager/Line Font and you select dotted lines for the visible edges.


You will get what you want, but if it is a set that is going to evolve, it will quickly become a mess to be polite!


Sorry, I don't think there's any other solution!


Please designate the best answer.

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It's not going to be easy if there is no local cutting or transparency


You can put your inner carriage part in shade and your rail in wired in the feature manager




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Maybe by saving the MEP in dwg and editing in Draftsight (or Autocad) using layers but as said above, it will necessarily be a hack.


Good luck



There is a solution, a bit ch*****, you have to select your edges one by one and you can hide them, it won't change your part, just the visibility of the edges you select.

The only problem: you have to select them one by one, or create a maccro that will do it for you;)

Check out the screenshot I link to for more info!!



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but you can also put in your drawing


  1. The trolley in shade
  2. The Wired Rail


I think it's the simple +


@+ ..................



If we accept that it is the rail that appears as a mixed line, there is the "view from another position" function that is used for this kind of problem.


it goes back to Benoit.LF's idea but less fiddling: just create 2 configs, it's the parts that appear in one and not in the other or in a different position that will be differentiated.

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Benoit LF read my thoughts! That's exactly what I just did!

The result is there. It's a hack, it's true, but what would we do without it!!


Thank you all.