Display Length in Welded Parts List Table



I'm using Solidworks 2017.

I can't show the length property in my welded parts BOM table despite several searches. However, the nomenclature is created automatically, the quantities and descriptions of the elements are displayed correctly. The length column is already present, but desperately empty, whereas I would like to include my profile lengths.

Here are some screenshots:





Do you have any ideas, please?




It is the default table model that is incorrectly set.

You just have to double click on the LENGTH label of the column and then put the personal property LENGTH and there, it works. Then you need to save the table so that the table model is ok.


Hello alain. ERP, thank you for your answer but unfortunately, I can't find the personal property Length in the list. See my third screenshot. How do you make it appear ?


In the 3rd screenshot, you seem to be editing the column title and not the column itself. As a result, it is the properties of the drawing file that appear and not those of the mechanically welded parts.

In SW2015 (it must be the same in 2017 I guess), when hovering over the table I have a row that appears above the header with the name of the column A, B, C ... etc

By left-clicking on the letter of the column concerned (a downward arrow indicates that I select the column), the link with the property that will fill the column appears on the left. Length is one of the customized properties of mechanically welded parts items.

Thank you for your answer, and the precise indications, it works! I hadn't really grasped the logic of the tables.


By the way, if a moderator could edit the horrible spelling mistake in the title...