Display a block on plan following a custom property

Hi all 

I'm in the process of reconfiguring the title block of our service. 

The goal is to be able to fill it in entirely from the " custom properties" menu of a part.

I would like to be able to make (or not) an annotation block appear on the plan following a checkbox in the menu.

Do you think this is possible on SolidWorks 2018?

By playing with layers perhaps? Can we activate a layer according to an equation? 

Attached is a view of what I would like to do. When you check, the "neat deburring" block appears, otherwise by default it is hidden.


If you have an idea, I'm all for it!

Thank you!  :)




I don't know if it's possible, what you want, but at worst you can create a block in your library and drag and drop when you need to...


I am reviving this subject because I would have the same need.

I'll start researching to see what's feasible, and I'll keep you posted