Display a subset in 2 positions on MEP

Hi all

I need to do a drawing, where I need to display a subset in 2 different positions but in one view. (one closed position and one open position).

My opening position should also appear in a thin line.


For the moment I already have this in the form of a config in my 3D.

I get stuck.


Thank you in advance.

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Look at the attachment, that's exactly what it was designed for.

May the force be with you


Cool that's what I wanted.

Great thank you


it seems to me that the answer that validates the question is @OBI WAN's

and not the answer indicate as the one mentioned best answer

so -1


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If that's the right answer our friend OBI WAN gave you; why didn't you validate it as the best answer...

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So I'm really unlucky, you're 2nd in 2 days that I help out, to whom I give the right solution  and who doesn't put me as the best answer !  Beyond the lost points as @gt22 says, " for future readers, your answer cannot be interpreted as better since it does not give any solution, put yourself in the place of the next person who thinks he has found the right fit for a similar question" 


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A thousand apologies, I notified your answer, I think now it's good.


I just converted the -1 to +1

since the valid answer is correct now

@+ have a good day

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Same for me as gt22

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