Upload text to the background map following the name of the page

Hello everyone,


Here I would like to make a standard title block but with a text that disappears or appears according to the name of the page


I explain myself basically if in the name of the page I find the word "Details" then you have to display the tolerances otherwise no 



I don't see how you can do that.

But why don't you make 2 different backgrounds. And in the page you choose the basemap that goes well by right-clicking then property and finally browse to choose the right basemap.

I'm trying to see if we can do it anyway.

Have a nice day.

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I thought about this but since we often modify the background plans for customers it would be difficult to manage :/


We can imagine a macro that changes deletes the note if there is no detail in the name.

Or change the font color to white?

See here:



By putting the note on the layer whose display is managed?