I have a project for a module at the university to design a lock on solidworks using an assembly drawing simply. and that makes the work very difficult. You will find the drawing attached.
I was able to do pieces 2, 3 and 7 but the others are a little difficult to understand
Go for it, draw the pieces as you understand them, then you make the identical drawing with the same views and sections and if you see differences you correct.
The advantage in solidworks or computer science is that you can start over and over again and do and undo is work as the saying goes.
Yes of course it's doable but I was asking for a little help to go faster^^
Like for example the crankshaft I don't know how to do the part that is just after the head, the change of section without changing the diameter if you know what I mean?
You are in the 2020 version and you have not attached the assembly (file. ASM) . As a result, it is not possible to judge whether the diameters of the holes and parts are at the right level.
1°) you are missing chamfers on part 4
2°) be aware that for screws we never represent threads (here a THFC countersunk screw) because the file of this part becomes too big and if you have an ASM with 500 screws your file becomes huge and this slows down the loading, the display and the size of the file too much. At best, as it's a school job, make a representation of a net which is an image stuck on the cylinder at the place of the screw thread.
3°) Your holes for the countersunk heads should be 0.5 mm deeper so that the screw head does not protrude.
4°) you have to put 0.2 or 0.5 mm chamfers on all the holes (and on both sides). This prevents injuries in particular and facilitates surface treatments, zinc plating and/or painting
5° the fit between part 4 and the nipple that must slide in the lumen of part 5 are not good because they are both 6 mm long so without play. If no games then your lock will be blocked with no ability to open or close. Same between room 2 and 1. So provide minimum clearance for all the pieces that slide between them.
Note: it all depends if your teachers ask you to make just the parts or if they want a totally functional set. So the Model CAD is ok but it's not fully functional.
Summary , only the ASM will allow us to say if the entire lock is compliant, especially in terms of adjustments. That said, from what I see, everything seems pretty good to me as long as you take my remarks into account.
First of all, thank you for the remarks, I'll correct all this and do the pcq assembly, yes they want a functional set, I'll post it here when I finish.
For the @frero I was talking to OBI WAN^^ and sorry I only have the 2020 version on my pc :/
To complete the thread: - for tapping in common dimensions: go through the wizard for drilling; - For threads and threads: use thread annotation/thread representation.
Generally speaking, the holes must be made with the wizard for the drilling, you will find your way around afterwards (dimensioning, repetitions).
Contrary to what you say, you have not taken my previous remarks into account.
In particular the screws that are not compliant as well as the countersunk of the countersunk head which has a big defect and which makes the part not fit properly. moreover the screw is too long compared to countersinking (you didn't take my screw model as an example by the way) Look at the standards for the thread, depth and length ratio of screws for blind tapped holes.
You forgot at least one chamfer on the holes in the back of part 6 and one on the other side
There is a big mistake on the length of one of the two pawns in the arm.
You will have a defect on part 1 until someone invents the square angle cutter. As you have drawn it, it is only possible if the part comes from the foundry: but as it is not specified, see what must be done.
You have not put any play between the moving parts, which means that not only will they not assemble but even mounted with a hammer (or a nasty blacksmith's darrack ) they will be blocked and will not be functional.
Given that I can't check the tolerances either for the tight shanks (for the drive pawns parts 7 and 2) or for the parts that have to slide, I couldn't give any additional opinion on your work.
I would be tempted to say that as it stands, your model is not finished and above all it is not functional. Obviously, you have not taken into account some of the previous remarks.
Kind regards
PS: if you persist in the path of mechanical construction, you should always check what you are doing, especially since with Solidworks you have tools such as "collision detection" which would have made you see some beginners' mistakes
RhAaaaaaaa! I cover my head with ash and lock myself in a cellar and I throw away the key and turn off the Wifi so that no one realizes my ignorance. I must say that I can't read Chinese. It must also be said that such a technology for a 10 € lock is absolutely necessary ;-) ;-)
Would you have the video link because it doesn't appear on the link you gave.