Help for 3D printing modeling

Good evening everyone, 

I am asking for your help from SW experts because I would like to reproduce this "sculpture" in 3D model under SW in order to 3D print it... The problem is that my model is far from reality at the moment, especially at the collar... maybe one of you can guide me to choose the right functions and methods and by the way help me optimize my model for 3D printing...  

Thank you in advance

PS: I'm on SW 2020 (I'll try to attach my part in another message)


Here is the part in the current state of my progress...


also here is a small sketch if it can help to understand...  

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No one...?


For this type of model, Solidworks is frankly not ideal, not to say totally unsuitable.

Apart from the challenge that it would represent, rather than persisting with it, I can only advise you to go through another software, sculpting, such as ZBrush (even 3dsMax would be more suitable).

Kind regards


A nice piece to make 

It has the merit of learning the tools of the log

But it is also true that SW is not at all made for this kind of modeling 

But it's possible, nothing is impossible with SW, you just have to understand the log ;-)

See this link among others


PS: post your parasolid part, we don't all have the same version of SW

@+ ;-)


Thank you for your answers, 

Indeed, I know that SW is not made for that otherwise it would be a post far too easy to solve... Laughing out loud 

Unfortunately I can't see myself downloading a software other than SW and learning how to use it just to draw this part...  

That's why I thought that one of you would certainly have an idea that I didn't think of to be able to get as close as possible to the photo of the sculpture (it's not to the mm, it just has to look like it visually and the rendering doesn't look too ugly...)  

I enclose the part in parasolid format as requested

Merco in advance and excellent evening to all!
