Projected area (wing area)


Can someone tell me how to simply have the surface of a projected area, i.e. a wing surface of a wing for example.
When I use the measuring tool (caliper) it only gives me the total area and not along an axis.

Thank you and have a good week



It would be on Solidworks, I would tell you to create a parallel plane and project the sketch into it to measure the area. But since it's Catia, I don't know if the same kind of manipulation is possible.


Is it the surface that you see in a direction, not the measurement of the surface projected on a plane ?

The punch or die part of a mold for example !

I have attached a video of how to do it with the basic CATIA modules.

If you have the specific modules for the design of molding tooling, they must have a control that cuts according to the color of the faces (direction of extraction of the mold).

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This is the area of the "shadow" of the room.

Thank you for the video, it's nice but it's not about that.


So that's the projected surface.

Use the "silhouette" command in the Surface Fabric

All that remains is to measure the surface area

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Great, any idea of the English name? Anyone use the 3DExp platform 17x?

Oh well, it's the same name.

Thank you very much!