Adding holes in relation to a pitch

Hi all

Would it be possible through a variable, equation or X to add holes with a pitch of 100 mm EA when I modify my tube length dimension (see attachment).

Like what:

2500 +100 mm  I would like to add an extra drill hole with a 100 mm center distance etc.


Kind regards


Yes, or by creating a configuration with a hole in it that activates when the length is 2500+100.


Otherwise, with an equation, there is no problem either.


Drilling = If lg>2500 then 1 else 0 something like that^^

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You put an equation by taking your tube length, your start shift, your arrival shift and your reptition step.

By taking the lower integer, you get your number of repetitions which will therefore be driven by this equation.


Otherwise, the method of a big barbarian (push yourself, I'm coming with my big hooves).


You do your first piercing, then a repetition of this piercing where you ask him to repeat 500 times. As a result, you have a piercing every time you enlarge your room.

On the other hand, I don't certify that when you put your plan he knows how to make the right calculation of the number of holes.


In short, faster but much less clean than the version of @Opiep27