Add a Tap to the Drill Wizard List

Hi all
Could you tell me where the referent table of values of the drilling wizard is located.
I want to add a value to it but I lost the path to edit it. (Operation already done once a long time ago but forgotten since ... )
Thank you in advance.

Hello @flo44
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In addition to the answer of @Lynkoa15 , you need to activate the toolbox add-in and then go to the settings of the piercing helper. Then select the standard (ISO in general) and then the type of tapping.
Then edit the table:


Thank you very much :wink:
For the time being, I note it this time.

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Hello @flo44

Glad your problem is solved, but you know that you can come to the forum even when you don't have any problems with SW.

That would make us really happy!

I am convinced that you can bring a lot of things to the community :grinning:

Kind regards

Judicious remark, I would :wink: think about it, it is indeed not a reflex (just like for the questions elsewhere).