Add an existing symmetrical part SW2017


It is possible in a first assembly to create part B symmetrical to part A. But is it possible in a second assembly containing part A to add part B symmetrical with respect to a plane while looking for part B already generated in the 1st assembly without recreating a reference

Thanks in advance?


Yes of course

See these tutorials

In theory you will find the answer to your problem

@+ ;-)



Of course; if you have saved part B as a configuration in room Aéalisation-dune-pièce-symétrique-avec-configuration-dérivée



Your parts A and B symmetrical with each other are in 2 separate files or one is a configuration of the other?

Exhibits A and B are in two separate files.

To sum up:

Assembly 1 has been created and has part A. Part B, symmetrical to part A, was generated in this assembly with respect to a plane.

I create assembly 2 which also includes part A and I want to add part B symmetrical with respect to a plane. Is it possible to tell it the symmetry and the path of the file of part B so that you don't have to generate a new part that would be identical anyway?

you can show screenshots

since I'm a little lost in your explanations



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Well, you just have to add it to the assembly like a normal part, except that you will have to constrain it to position it.


Indeed as our @ ac cobra says

if your part B has its own name and is the symmetry of room A

you just have to go and get it and

position it as it should be to constrain it according to the appropriate type of constraint


Ok, I thought it was possible to redo a symmetrical function because in fact the constraints are tedious to set up because the part in question does not have simple surfaces. Symmetry in the assembly saves a lot of time.

This is the green coin in PC


To compel you are not forgotten to take faces; There are also the plans, the axes and the origins of the piece. 

If your A&B part  is the upright why not do as in my tutorial the A&B in the same room for the dev and MEP detail but add a configuration with the A&Bs side by side for the assemblies.

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you have the possibility to make your symmetry in your assembly 2

and change your part to the symmetrized part B

and in this case the constraints remain


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Have you looked at the tutorials I posted?

You'll find everything you want in it

@+ ;-)

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It takes a bit of thought, but if you properly design your P1 part in relation to its original planes, and you create its symmetry in assembly A1 as a configuration, if you insert your part P1 into an assembly A2 and you mirror it, you just have to put P1 (symmetrical) in the symmetry configuration and there it works.




I need 1file = 1 reference = 1 DXF of cutting so impossible to work by configuration. because each reference corresponds to a file. I tried to do the symmetry of P1 which generated a "P2bis" part but I can't replace it with P2... Component replacement is apparently not available for symmetrical parts.

OK but if you create an assembly with the P1 and you do the P2 symmetry by saving it as a separate part but save the assembly as you will have separate parts files for your ref and DXF and the assembly that you can put in your other assemblies with the P1 & P2

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@julien.dildo you say

 I tried to do the symmetry of P1 which generated a "P2bis" part but I can't replace it with P2... Component replacement is apparently not available for symmetrical parts.

It seems to me that if you break the ties it should work


I don't want to break the link...

so this feature should not yet exist in SW.

Thank you all the same for your help.

why can't you break the link since you change the room via its title 

I really don't understand ?????????????????

since you change your symmetry to put in place the room B???????????????????

it seems to me that this is your request when reading the communication thread


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Ok, I understood to break the link in the symmetrical room for geometry. How do you break the link in the assembly of the blow? I can't see...

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  1. If you want to change the functions of the symmetrical part independently without affecting the original part, click Break Link with Original Part under Link.

You can also break the link to the original part later by listing the external references of the symmetrical part and selecting Break All.

Once the link with the original part is broken, it cannot be restored.


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