Add a unit of measurement



I would like to add a new unit of measurement the "grains", however the only solution I have found is to change the density of the material.

Is it possible to add a new unit of measurement or not?


Thank you for your answers

A little info on the knowledge of this unit


Create a GRAIN material with the right properties and apply it to your volume.

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Why not change the density of your room?


To do this

From your 3D model (be careful the file must have a volume otherwise the icon remains grey)

you go to the "Evaluate" tab

you select the "Mass property" icon

"Options" button

Check "Use custom settings"

Changing the "Material Property"






Following the link opposite, it is currently impossible to add new units to SW...


Good luck

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I have the impression of seeing answered next door...

If it's to be included in a plan, maybe a macro could quickly do the conversion Kg > Grain


The best I think is to stay with metric data that is referenced so give it a name and via the Excel table make a grid Data name/metric mass/grain mass

This is how I would proceed

@+ ;-)

I will create a new property;



(of course the property of the mass is gram if in kilo you have to adjust the decimal point)



1grain=0.049 gr ratio link given


Of course my answer and to put the property in an MEP cartridge

Obviously it is not possible to add a unit so another workaround Model your part in mm. Then at the end add a scale function to respect the actual size of the part Manage it in two configurations so you will have a real configuration and a confuguration for the drawing with a faithful dimensioning...