I made an assembly of several pieces and I would like to adjust two pierces perfectly by taking advantage of this assembly to have the exact angle, but I don't know how to make this adjustment.
I made an assembly of several pieces and I would like to adjust two pierces perfectly by taking advantage of this assembly to have the exact angle, but I don't know how to make this adjustment.
He uses several methods. Could you send an image to see which one would fit the best?
yes an image of what you want would be good, because it's not very clear :-)
Thank you
You just have to right-click on the part and then you edit it and then you edit the sketch and you adjust it to the other part.
Are you talking about a mechanical adjustment or part constraints on 3D software?
The best way is to create a sketch with the right angle in relation to either a face or your basic plane
and you constrain this piece on this said sketch
Like my colleagues, a picture is worth a thousand words
@+ ;-)