Adjusting sheet metal parts


I would like to know what techniques you use to adjust your sheet metal parts? In general, I do a material removal but I am curious to know if there is not a simpler or more appropriate way to adjust sheet metal parts to each other when there is an intersection.

Thank you for your advice!


For my part, I would create a plane between the two sheets and I will edit each part to fit them to the plan but it depends on your design of the parts because if you created your sheet metal profile when it was extruded you can select up to the plan if you edit it in the assembly.



With "sheet bent on edge" then in the box "edit the profile of the folded sheet", choose an edge that you can modify as you wish (angle, dimensions etc).


Can you share your file if the answers didn't help you?

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Personally, if the profile is the same. I draw the piece in one part and then I cut again.

That way the junctions are perfect.

In my attached example (SW 2019) I start by drawing the vertical face then I make a folded edge with the desired profile and then

a removal of material in the corner to divide into 2 parts. ( be careful you have to uncheck normal material removal )

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I'm digging up this subject a bit.
Thanks to David, I discovered the solution of material removal that has been suitable for me for a while.

However, in the case of my current part, this solution makes me too big a joint for the weld between the two sheets.

How could I proceed so that the junction is better adjusted?


I managed to correct the problem by extruding the sheet metal on each side, but I doubt that this is the fastest and most effective solution



For my part, I don't create a cut-out, I edit the fold sketches and adapt them by modifying the sketches.

Duplicate DSL...

Hello Benoit, how much is this a problem? 

If that's what I think, a closed corner can reduce the space. 

On the other hand, for your low folds of the piece, it would have been better to make a sheet metal with folded edges.

See your 'corrected' model as an attachment. (Be careful I didn't take into account your odds) 
