Thickness analysis

For a plastic part, how do you do a thickness analysis on solidworks 2013? Do I need to have an additional module?



A link that can help.




You can use, Tools/Geometry Analysis.


This will allow you to target the thinnest thickness of your 3D models and many other things.

in addition to what has been said above


See this link Thickness control via simulation


@+ ;-)

This function only works in parts (not in assemblies). 

You find it in evaluate and then the icon with the narrowing.

I'm in premium so I don't know about the other packages... Sorry...

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@rom, Thickness Analysis works from the Standard version.


Edit: from the PRO version as inqidued further by @Jose

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Thank you for your answers

But Benoit.LF, in Tools there is no Geometry Analysis (see attachment).

S.B, the link you forwarded to me doesn't explain how to do this, or where I can find the Thickness Analysis feature.


If you don't see it, go to "Customize Menu" at the bottom


The attached printscreen shows an SW2013 session under a Standard license.



And you in a sketch on the print?

Because you have to be outside of a sketch and in a PCS file alone (not to be in PCS editing in an assembly).


Going a little further in the links, we arrive at this page.



And it seems to me that the "solidworks utilities" add-in should be enabled 

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@rom, me again:-D


On my session it is not activated and it shows me the 2 tools well.



I inquired some time ago right here for this same question (if you want to look for it, don't hesitate).

Contrary to what Benoit says, the STD version of SW does not integrate the thickness analysis, it is present from the rpo version (I have the STD, hence my question at the time...).


In the meantime, I use the DFMXpress wizard, set up as on the attached file.

Be careful, this is not a measure by point but an overall result.


However, after calculation, we can select the "failing" areas to modify them.


Good luck


EDIT: the link to my question at the time:


@Jose, I think I was tired on Friday...


I had trouble doing my tests, indeed I had a Standard license, but as soon as you launch one of these 2 tools the system will look for a pro license.


Mea culpa

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No worries, it happens to all of us:)

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And so @Jose, how do you proceed for the thickness analysis? Since that was the basic question... :-)


Switch to SolidWorks Pro or another solution?

@ Benoit

see my reply of16 May, 2014 - 15:40 | Edit

in addition to what has been said above


See this link Thickness control via simulation


@+ ;-)

I work with DFMXpress which allows the overall analysis of the thickness :)


Like on the file attached to my first answer.