I'm simulating an oscillating table. The oscilation is created by a motor+arm+connecting rod.
I do a simulation on 2s.
I put a circular motor at 60 RPM and created a graph to see the movement of the linkage.
Problem: the oscilation pattern in Z does not follow the engine and if I vary the speed of the engine, the frequency of the oscilations varies little and in any case do not follow the "theory".
Does anyone have a lead?
Because at the same time I do acceleration measurements that don't follow the theory ...
Have you tried changing your constraints? Instead of putting a coaxiality, constraining cross points from sketches, it has already happened to me and I think I had done that.
I simplified the problem, just an arm that spins at 60 RPM, and no stress error and no interference.
What I have a problem with is that I put a sensor on the end of the arm which is rotating at 60RPM and it gives me the following graph which is not coherent and if I double the speed of the motor the graph remains more or less the same.....
I can't see where I'm wrong? Is it the position of the motor, is it the position of the sensor or others?
Indeed, there is a bug in the time scale. The running distance will always be the same since it depends on the length of your connecting rod, but if you compare your graphs, the n°2 should correspond to the n°1 x2 on the time scale (frequency).
You're right, the modification of the constraint didn't change anything.
On the other hand I started the study of the "valve_cam" tutorial with the default values and there it works on the other hand when I started to modify the speeds, and passed the test from 0.1s to 2s, it started to put me alert messages and the results became wrong.
So I think I need to dig deeper into Motion's preferences.
If anyone has any recommendations, I'm interested.
Out of curiosity, I made a quick little anime, and how do you get a graph? The only graph I can get is the one of the parameters of the engine that can be modified, but not a graph of results.
I select a point on the outside of the arm and then the attached icon and it asks for a reference object, often I take the origin point of the assembly.
Then restart the calculation and normally the graph appears, on the other hand not find a report generator as under the material resistance simulation (?) .
But you are positioning a sensor? If so, what do you use as parameters? I tried, but I can't get this graph.
Edit: in fact it's because I don't have the simulation module, when I point my cursor at the sensor it informs me that the information is not available, even for a speed reading...; (
In fact, I start by selecting the plane in the graphics window and then I select the "graph" tool, (icon in capture) and then a fixed point. The 2 dots are in the same dialog box. Of course you have to select displacement and the axis.