Old constraint reactivated SW2019

Good morning everyone,

I've noticed since I'm on SW2019 when you delete a "separation 1" part for example and recreate a part with the same no, SW manages to reactivate the constraints of the 1st part which forces me to delete them to reconstrain as I want, while we never had this problem at least from SW 2005 from memory.

My working base is the pack & go of a model that is as close as possible to the new project, and so I have to remove parts such as partitions (I am a manufacturer of wooden trunks)

Have you noticed this same problem?

I'll probably open a ticket to report the info, but I'm waiting to see if other people have the same problem.

Have a good day to you

(if not for the forum to avoid that some people ask their question in the title, should replace "What is your question?" by "Title of your problem" otherwise long live the novels :)

One thing I noticed: when you "destroy" a part, the associated constraints have not been destroyed but go to the deleted state. It depends on how the window that is displayed (if it is displayed) of "destruction" is configured.

I have to test if there isn't a box to check but in general I check them all.

Thank you for your feedback.

To see on the 2020 if it continues too.

They invented ghost relationships I think :p


In my opinion it is normal behavior that it finds a link since you put back a part with the same name without having removed the constraints. Here's how to purge unused constraints and thanks to our colleague zozo_mp for this tutorial.

Indeed it is not impossible that mechanically I delete and validate the deletion while the boxes are unchecked (bad habit/ reflex^^)

I'll monitor it (whether it's the software or myself)

Moreover, in the tutorial it makes me think again of "when will they finally change the thermes delete by deactivate??? " but it hasn't changed anytime soon though.

I still validate the answer of our friends Stefbeno since what is the origin of the problem.... although the user (me) is the cause. As for the purge, I usually go to the list of constraints when it is not 3km^^