Base cutting angle 90°

Hello. How to Grade a Tube Cut Angle Against an " Imaginary Vertical Line"

Hello Stéphane, welcome to the forum.

To dimension an angle the way requested, with the Smart Dimension tool enabled, select the cut edge, and then select one of these endpoints. 4 blue arrows should appear to allow you a final selection:

Note: if the image presents a 3D sketch, it is possible to import the dimension into the drawing afterwards.


Call your dimension from the 3D via " annotation → object of the model "


Hello @Silver_Surfer
Thank you for the tip that I didn't know (or didn't know anymore...).
On the other hand it only works in a sketch so the 3D. given the image its problem is on a MEP.

Otherwise, it's drawing a line (sketch) in the view and dimensioning against that line