Hello everyone, I am making a mobile file of a telescopic crane on SW via the manufacturer's 3d mods, I assembled all the parts and added a lot of constraints to make the crane as mobile as a real one.
Now, an interesting problem comes to me, I would like to give my assembly precise degrees of orientation for the orientation of the turret, and the degrees of inclination of the boom, but at this precise moment, I am coming to the end of my knowledge of SOLIDWORKS (lol)
But what to do? (please :) )
Good evening
Very good ;-) But without any images or files, it will be difficult to help you.
What to do ? = Post your ASM using the pack and go function (specify which version of SW you have)
Kind regards
Good evening
Here are images with the rotations I'm looking to do
here is the pack & go file (the assembly is called LTM 1100 4.2)
and I work with solidworks 2019
Small details:
If you are working with subsets, you must constrain the parent assembly to rotate and leave the child assemblies free.
Parent assembly must be flexible too.
It is already necessary to avoid all on constraint
Make sure that your parts that need to move are at the first level of your assembly
after that, it's like real life
for the inclination you have your jack
so by playing via the distance of it you create the angular movement of your arrow
after the turret if you have axial constraint and nothing blocks its rotation
you should be able to run it without any problem
now you also need a PC that runs properly for SW
Watch on YouTube
solidworks 2016 - Animating Assembly Movements
The problem is not or seems to want to situate it my very nice colleagues (hihihihi! ) In your case, only the cylinder needs to be made flexible because it is the only sub-assembly to be animated. All others are the equivalent of PART.
Several things:
1°) I say equivalent to PART because almost all the elements are ACIS files and more precisely files. SAT http://help.solidworks.com/2018/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/c_acis_files.htm. As a result, it is possible that you will have constraints in the animations later on. If this is the case, it will be necessary to convert to a PART file.
For the moment, it is not the .sat files that are the problem. (PHEW!)
2°) for the rotation of the turret you must use the top planes of "carrier.sat" with an angular constraint with the top plane of "turret.sat".
3°) for the other movements you use limit distances which is very good.
Where is the problem then, you may ask!!!
From my point of view , you're not using the right functions to make the animations.
You use "Constraint Driver" which is still a not practical thing at all (Grrrrrr!) you can't do more than five movements. The limit is 10 moves chained from memory.
In addition, you have 8 separate "Constraint Drivers" in your creation tree, which cannot be chained together or to each other.
Which means that you can't (with this p..... of M....... of "constraint drivers") have two or more sequences simultaneously. Example rotation of the turret with the caissons that deploy one after the other or simultaneously, while having a change in the angle of the boom. Moreover, as soon as you want to change a sequence, it turns into a nightmare because there is no time line in the "constraint drivers"
Use "Motion" and control your movements by the constraints that are already in place in your model.
In addition, with the "time line" you can hit an upstream sequence without it causing a stir in the downstream sequences.
In addition, with the motion study you can additionally manage camera movements (Don't you @pierre.mihailovic) and lighting like in a studio.
Kind regards
I don't have solidworks available at the moment so I don't open your files, but if it's for a motion study, as zozo_mp says "motion" is the software to use, or solidworks composer.
If you don't need videos, advanced constraints will be fine
you can explain to me why the link given does not correspond to the request
For me personally with my weaknesses I find that these are typically the right way
Hello @gt22
Your answers are valid but not quite when you have the asm in front of you. It's a nice little tease on my part
- gregory_2 already uses limit constraints
- it has only one sub-assembly requiring a flexible s/s assembly which is the hydraulic cylinder (it does not have several levels of flexible sub-assembly).
- The creation tree shows the use of "constraint driver" which suggests that we want to make an animation with a precise execution speed.
- As there are several "constraint drivers" in cascade and they cannot be concatenated, the only solution is Motion or Solidworks Composer which is rarer because it is a separate paid software (it's a very expensive ware). Unless the sequences are not simultaneous and we make a video edit outside of SW by putting pieces of video end to end.
So we are all good ;-)
Kind regards
Good evening everyone, and thank you for your answers and your responsiveness.
In fact, for my use, I ended up using angle constraints (I just didn't know where to base them)
The motion function is not useful for my use, I just need to enter data such as the angle of inclination or rotation via a lift planning program to output shots related to the side and top views.
The use of constraint drivers is useful for me to use redundant data, such as the output percentages of the different boom boxes (46%,92%,100%, as it is in operation on these machines)
Thank you again and I will surely come to you from here =D
Can you close the topic STP
Kind regards