Animation of a Maltese cross



I want to animate, under solidworks 2011, the Maltese cross mechanism consisting of a fixed support, a plate with 4 lugs and another with 4 grooves. I added the pivot stresses (coincidence + coaxial) and a tangency stress between a lug and the face of a groove. Unfortunately, the movement is limited to a dewclaw. How  do I get full intermittent motion manually in Solidworks or using an engine in Solidworks Motion?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards.


Can you put a screenshot to see a little more clearly please?

What do you mean by intermittent movement? the rotation reverses or does it stop and then start again?


A priori under motion it is achievable without problem.

There must be no tangency stress between the finger and the groove, then you must assign a rotary motor to the element that acts as a finger and start the calculation, if no constraint blocks the rotation you will have the simulation of the movement generated by your Maltese cross.


You can check before making the animation that everything works manually by using the component move (move the component with your finger) with the structural dynamics option enabled.

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Hi @cpidy


attached is a SW animation link

but all the basis is there

@+ ;-)



First of all, why have 4 dewclaws for a Maltese cross?

Usually, the system has only one.


As far as movement is concerned, since there is no permanent contact between the lug and the groove, a standard stress cannot be used.

You have to use a piece displacement and activate "structural dynamics".

It allows one piece to push another.


The tray with the lug will rotate and the lug will be able to drive the cross.



Thank you for your answer. It works as you show with motion, you just have to put a volume body contact between the pieces to be animated.


Kind regards