I have a PDM task that has been running for quite a while. The cancellation has been in progress for more than 500 hours.
Anyone know how to kill her?
I have a PDM task that has been running for quite a while. The cancellation has been in progress for more than 500 hours.
Anyone know how to kill her?
put on "on" the PC that should run the task,
See log in with the same user, do the same log in under EPDM.
Then see if the task cancels in the "epdm admin manager".
If "no",
on the PC concerned, look at the processes, and kill "TaskExecutor.exe" each time
He is the "launcher", normally the task should have a limited number of retries (or even none), which will lead to a failure of the task, and the fact that it can be removed from the list in the admin manager, if necessary.
I'll look there, but this user account doesn't exist anymore, I'll put our IT on the spot.
Thank you
Hello, visiativ has provided me with a procedure to perform a SQL query to run on the server that can solve this pb. In short, the query forces all tasks to the status "Canceled by Username" to the status "Canceled by Username"
/!\ This procedure should be carried out with caution, like any SQL query. /!\
1. Open SQL server management
2. In the list on the left, open the "Databases" list
3. Select the relevant safe with a left click
4. Then right click and click "New query"
5. Paste the request below into the file that opens in the center:
UPDATE TaskInstances
SET TaskStatus=8
WHERE TaskStatus=6
6. And to finish in the action bar above, press "! Run "
7. A dialog box appears below it and if everything went well it should return you " (4 row(s) affected)"