File API in folder and subfolders



I would like to run a macro to open all the drawings of a folder and subfolders.


For the moment, I select a folder but it only opens the drawings contained in the folder and not in the subfolders.

What is the method for retrieving subfolders of a directory in order to open the contained files?


Here is my snippet of code allowing me to open the drawings of a folder:

CurrentPath = CurrentPath & "\"
    sfilename = Dir(CurrentPath & "*.slddrw")
    'Ouverture des mises en plan dans le dossier
    Do Until sfilename = ""
        Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
        Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(CurrentPath & sfilename, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
        swApp.ActivateDoc2 sfilename, False, longstatus
        Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

        sfilename = dir



Thank you in advance,


Hi, You need to list the subfolders and repeat your operation.

Look at this example with FSO:



In addition to remrem, I used the code from this page yesterday, works very well


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Thank you for your answers. What references should be added for it to work?

Microsoft Scripting Runtime

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I managed to move forward in my macro. However, on large files with more than 150 drawings, it tells me that my windowing resources are insufficient while I open each drawing, I save it in PDF and DXF according to several drawing formats and I close it immediately.

Maybe I'm missing an "unlord" somewhere...

Any ideas?


Thank you in advance,


FYI, here is my macro to open the drawings in the target directory and the drawings in the subfolders:

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    'Sélection du dossier
    CurrentPath = SelectFolder("Select Folder", "")
    If CurrentPath = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    CurrentPath = CurrentPath & "\"
    sfilename = Dir(CurrentPath & "*.slddrw")
    'Ouverture des mises en plan dans le dossier
    Do Until sfilename = ""
        Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
        Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(CurrentPath & sfilename, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
        swApp.ActivateDoc2 sfilename, False, longstatus
        Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

        If swModel Is Nothing Then

            MsgBox ("Ouvrer une mise plan")
            Set swDraw = swModel
            Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
            Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
            Set swExportPDFData = swApp.GetExportFileData(1)
            Set swLayerMgr = swModel.GetLayerManager
            Set swLayer = swLayerMgr.GetLayer("CLIENT")
            vLayerArr = swLayerMgr.GetLayerList
            Presence_Client = False
            For Each vLayer In vLayerArr
                If vLayer = "CLIENT" Then
                    Presence_Client = True
                End If

            'Opération sur nom du fichier
            nom_Fichier = Strings.Left(swModel.GetPathName, Strings.Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7)
            nom_Ouvrir = swModel.GetPathName
            Extension = Strings.Right(swModel.GetPathName, 7)
            'Cache le calque CLIENT
            If Presence_Client = True Then
                If swLayer.Visible = True Then
                    swLayer.Visible = False
                End If
            End If
            swExportPDFData.SetSheets swExportData_ExportCurrentSheet, ""
            swExportPDFData.ViewPdfAfterSaving = False
            'Active la première feuille
            vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames
            bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(vSheetName(0))
            'Enregistrement en PDF DXF PDF
            bRet = swModel.Extension.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & " EXT.PDF", 0, 0, swExportPDFData, nErrors, nWarnings)
            longstatus = swModel.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & " EXT.DXF")
            If Presence_Client = True Then
                swLayer.Visible = True
            End If
            longstatus = swModel.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & ".PDF")
            'Fermeture du document
            swApp.QuitDoc (nom_Ouvrir)
        End If
        sfilename = Dir
    CurrentPath = Left(CurrentPath, Len(CurrentPath) - 1)
    Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set SourceFolder = Fso.GetFolder(CurrentPath)
    CurrentPath = CurrentPath & "\"
    'Ouverture des mises en plan dans les sous-dossiers
    For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
        ssDossier = SubFolder.Path & "\"
        sfileNamessdossier = Dir(ssDossier & "*.slddrw")
        Do Until sfileNamessdossier = ""
        Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
        Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(ssDossier & sfileNamessdossier, 3, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
        swApp.ActivateDoc2 sfileNamessdossier, False, longstatus
        Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

        If swModel Is Nothing Then

            MsgBox ("Ouvrer une mise plan")
            Set swDraw = swModel
            Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
            Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
            Set swExportPDFData = swApp.GetExportFileData(1)
            Set swLayerMgr = swModel.GetLayerManager
            Set swLayer = swLayerMgr.GetLayer("CLIENT")
            vLayerArr = swLayerMgr.GetLayerList
            Presence_Client = False
            For Each vLayer In vLayerArr
                If vLayer = "CLIENT" Then
                    Presence_Client = True
                End If

            'Opération sur nom du fichier
            nom_Fichier = Strings.Left(swModel.GetPathName, Strings.Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7)
            nom_Ouvrir = swModel.GetPathName
            Extension = Strings.Right(swModel.GetPathName, 7)
            'Cache le calque CLIENT
            If Presence_Client = True Then
                If swLayer.Visible = True Then
                    swLayer.Visible = False
                End If
            End If
            swExportPDFData.SetSheets swExportData_ExportCurrentSheet, ""
            swExportPDFData.ViewPdfAfterSaving = False
            'Active la première feuille
            vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames
            bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(vSheetName(0))
            'Enregistrement en PDF DXF PDF
            bRet = swModel.Extension.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & " EXT.PDF", 0, 0, swExportPDFData, nErrors, nWarnings)
            longstatus = swModel.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & " EXT.DXF")
            If Presence_Client = True Then
                swLayer.Visible = True
            End If
            longstatus = swModel.SaveAs(nom_Fichier & ".PDF")
            'Fermeture du document
            swApp.QuitDoc (nom_Ouvrir)
        End If
        sfileNamessdossier = Dir
    'Unload sfileNamessdossier
    Next SubFolder
    MsgBox ("FINI!")


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In my opinion at first glance, I think it's the Set swApp = Application.SldWorks that are the problem. From the moment you have opened a Solidworks session, you just have to keep it open and put it back in the foreground without using it again with a new swApp set .

As it stands, you must have multiple SW processes open and that's what crashes on a big file.

So I put "Set swApp = Application.SldWorks" just before my first DO loop and remove the others?


Yes, that's right. And once done, at the end of the code after all the processing, add:

Set swModel = Nothing
Set swApp= Nothing

It will unload the memory.

That was right. So I put the function:

Set swModel = Nothing

Set swApp= Nothing

At the very end of my macro.

Remove swApp = Application.SldWorks Set in my loops

And add a swModel = Nothing set at the end of each of my loops.


Thank you for your help.


Have a nice day
