Hi all
I'm looking for a method to use an IFace2 reference in the context of a cross-sectional view to find the corresponding IFace2 reference in the context of the parent view (IView::GetBaseView) and in the context of the reference document (IView::ReferencedDocument). The IView::GetCorresponding(Entity) methods as well as IModelDocExtention::GetCorresponding(Entity)2 return null references to me.
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim app As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim doc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim dwg As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim view As SldWorks.view
Dim baseView As SldWorks.view
Dim vHatches As Variant
Dim vHatch As Variant
Dim hatch As SldWorks.FaceHatch
Dim vFaces As Variant
Dim vFace As Variant
Dim face As SldWorks.Face2
Dim body As SldWorks.Body2
Set app = Application.SldWorks
If app Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set doc = app.ActiveDoc
If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Not doc.GetType = SwConst.swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING Then Exit Sub
Set dwg = doc
Set view = dwg.ActiveDrawingView
If view Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set baseView = view.GetBaseView
If baseView Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
vHatches = view.GetFaceHatches
If IsEmpty(vHatches) Then Exit Sub
For Each vHatch In vHatches
Set hatch = vHatch
If hatch Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vHatch
Set face = hatch.face
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vHatch
Set body = face.GetBody
If body Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vHatch
vFaces = body.GetFaces
If IsEmpty(vFaces) Then GoTo Next_vHatch
For Each vFace In vFaces
Set face = vFace
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_test
Set face = baseView.GetCorrespondingEntity(face)
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_test
' Breakpoint: correspondance nulle, ce point ne sera jamais atteint '
Set body = face.GetBody
If body Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_test
Debug.Print body.Name
Set face = vFace
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vFace
Set face = view.ReferencedDocument.Extension.GetCorrespondingEntity2(face)
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vFace
' Breakpoint: correspondance nulle, ce point ne sera jamais atteint '
Set body = face.GetBody
If body Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vFace
Debug.Print body.Name
Next vFace
Next vHatch
End Sub
In the code above, I start by getting the hatched faces generated by the cut. Then I get the body associated with this hatched side. Finally, I test the match with all the faces of this body in the parent view and in the reference document to see if it finds a result.
Unfortunately, no results were found. A little help would be welcome.
Kind regards
I've never used GetFaceHatches and don't know what it's supposed to return, but if I add:
Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Set swEnt = face
swEnt.Select4 True, Nothing
Set face = baseView.GetCorrespondingEntity(face)
If face Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_test
by running the macro with A-A Cut selected, it selects the face of the cube on the right on the plan1 view, so GetCorrespondingEntity looks like it 's returning something.
Hello Jerome,
Thank you very much for your help, I will do more tests and come back to tell you what it is.
Kind regards.
Returns the hatched faces created in the section view.
What I want to do is: from an Entity reference in the context of a section view, find the Entity reference in the context of the parent view.
I don't know why, the View::GetCorrespondingEntity method returns a non-zero reference for the first face, then nothing for the others.
So your solution didn't solve my problem.
Kind regards
The hatched side exists only in the context of the view under consideration.
In your case, it is a virtual and internal face that would be in the middle of the cube.
Use "vFaces = body. GetFaces" returns the 6 outer faces of the cube.
Comparing each of these 6 faces to the virtual face should not return any results.
(The fact that it returns one, is an error either due to the reuse of "face" in input and output of the GetCorresponding function or an error of this function itself )
In any case: the hatched side does not exist in the main view.
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La face hachurée n'existe que dans le contexte de la vue considérée.
Dans votre cas c'est une face virtuelle et interne qui serait au milieu du cube.
Absolutely, this is the reason why I ask for the correspondence of all the body faces of each hatched face:
vHatches = view.GetFaceHatches
For Each vHatch In vHatches
Set hatch = vHatch
Set face = hatch.face
Set body = face.GetBody
vFaces = body.GetFaces
For Each vFace In vFaces
Set face = vFace
Set face = baseView.GetCorrespondingEntity(face)
These faces, which have a match in the parent view, do not return any results.
Utiliser "vFaces = body.GetFaces" retourne les 6 faces externes du cube.
Comparer chacune de ces 6 faces à la face virtuelle ne devrait retourner aucun résultats.
I don't understand what you mean, I don't compare faces, I ask for the corresponding reference in the parent view.
(Le fait que ca en retourne une, est une erreur soit due à la réutilisation de "face" en entrée et sortie de la fonction GetCorresponding ou une erreur de cette fonction elle-même )
Dans tous les cas: la face hachurée n'existe pas dans la vue principale.
Totally agree.
As I read the macro:
1- GetFaceHatches => returns 3 hatched faces from view A-A
2- For each of these faces: GetBody => returns 1 volume body (i.e.: 1 cube- 3 in total)
3- GetFaces => returns all the faces of the body independently of the view (i.e.: the 6 faces of the cube - 18 in total)
4- GetCorrespondingEntity => Not sure what this is supposed to accomplish, because as said before the 6 faces returned at point 3 are independent of the view. So at best the same faces are flipped (i.e.: 6 faces - 18 in total)
5- GetBody again, followed by body. Name => written the name of each volume body 6 times - 3 bodies in total
In the end, I'm still not sure what you're looking to do.
Again, thank you very much for your help.
1-OK with you
2-OK with you
3-In my mind, each body (volume or surface) is copied + modified from context to context, for example if I compare the references of a body in the context of a view and the one that corresponds to it in the 3D context (assembly or part referenced by the view), then I would get a False, the bodies are not the same Body2 instance. So when you say view independent, my experience with the API doesn't allow me to share that statement. In my opinion, bodies have a distinct reference in each context (with their corresponding faces or not), and this, totally dependent on the view. Another example: a section view can segment a body of the parent view into two separate bodies. They cannot therefore be the same body references. There is therefore a link of dependence between bodies and views.
4-I often used ModelDocExtention::GetCorrespondingEntity to find matching faces from the view context to the 3D model context. However, I have never been able to use View::GetCorrespondingEntity to find matching faces from the context of the 3D model to the context of the view. I don't quite understand his ideal use case.
5-OK with you, the bodysuit. Name is only present as a debug, to know which body it is
In the end, what I am trying to do is:
From an active cross-sectional view, select all the bodies in the parent view that have been cut.
I agree that it's difficult to understand the different bodies and contexts.
After doing some research, it seems that the bodies in the section view are different bodies from the base view (e.g. GetArea of each surface shows that each body is actually half a cube)
I don't know how to reconcile this with the bodies of the basic view. On the other hand, there is a roundabout way because each body has at least one uncut side. So we can find the body by saving the properties of each face and compare them with those of each face in the basic view.
The attached macro will select the cut body(s) in the parent view (works with A-A or B-B view)
Hello Jérôme,
I gave myself time to assimilate your answer and test different things before answering you. Your geometric approach (nearest point, surface calculation, etc.) may seem disproportionate at first glance but it seems to be the ultimate solution where the API leaves no more obvious one. Thank you for your time. However, its scope of use is limited, functional on this demo plan but its limits are quickly felt, and does not allow me to integrate it into a more generalist development project (this has nothing to do with the quality of your code, let's be clear, but just the limitations of the geometric method).
However, I have made some progress on my problem, without solving it, I share with you this piece of code:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim lSelCount As Long
Dim lRefCount As Long
Dim lSelIndex As Long
Dim swSelType As SwConst.swSelectType_e
Dim swSelDcpn As SldWorks.DrawingComponent
Dim swSelFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim swRefModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swRefFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim swRefBody As SldWorks.Body2
Dim vRefIds() As String
Dim lRefIndex As Long
Dim vRefBody As Variant
Dim sSelId As String
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
If swApp Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_0
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
If swModel Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_0
Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
If swSelMgr Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_0
lSelCount = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
If lSelCount = 0 Then GoTo Next_0
lRefCount = 0
For lSelIndex = 1 To lSelCount
swSelType = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(lSelIndex, -1)
If swSelType <> swSelFACES Then GoTo Next_1
Set swSelDcpn = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent4(lSelIndex, -1)
If swSelDcpn Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_1
Set swSelFace = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(lSelIndex, -1)
If swSelFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_1
Set swRefModel = swSelDcpn.View.ReferencedDocument
If swRefModel Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_1
Set swRefFace = swRefModel.Extension.GetCorrespondingEntity2(swSelFace)
If swRefFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_1
Set swRefBody = swRefFace.GetBody
If swRefBody Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_1
If lRefCount = 0 Then
ReDim vRefIds(lRefCount)
ReDim Preserve vRefIds(lRefCount)
End If
vRefIds(lRefCount) = swRefBody.GetSelectionId
lRefCount = lRefCount + 1
Next lSelIndex
If lRefCount < 2 Then GoTo Next_0
For lRefIndex = 1 To lRefCount - 1
If vRefIds(lRefIndex) = vRefIds(0) Then GoTo Next_2
Debug.Print lRefCount & " selected faces are different body references"
GoTo Next_0
Next lRefIndex
Debug.Print lRefCount & " selected faces are corresponding body references"
End Sub
This macro allows you to compare the body references of the selected faces (2 or more) between different views of a drawing, including section views.
I'm now looking for a way to couple it to the hatched faces of an active view (not to the selected faces).
Kind regards.
I'm starting to get closer to the goal seriously (requires reliability tests), I share:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDocType As SwConst.swDocumentTypes_e
Dim swDrawing As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim lFaceId As Long
Dim vViewCpns As Variant
Dim vViewCpn As Variant
Dim swViewCpn As SldWorks.Component2
Dim vViewFaces As Variant
Dim vViewFace As Variant
Dim swViewFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim swRefFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim cRefFaces As New Collection
Dim vViewHatches As Variant
Dim vViewHatch As Variant
Dim swViewHatch As SldWorks.FaceHatch
Dim swRefBody As SldWorks.Body2
Dim sRefBodyId As String
Dim cRefBodyIds As New Collection
Dim swBaseView As SldWorks.View
Dim vBaseViewCpns As Variant
Dim vBaseViewCpn As Variant
Dim swBaseViewCpn As SldWorks.Component2
Dim vBaseViewFaces As Variant
Dim vBaseViewFace As Variant
Dim swBaseViewFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim vRefBodyId As Variant
Dim swBaseViewEntity As SldWorks.Entity
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
If swApp Is Nothing Then GoTo End_Sub
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
If swModel Is Nothing Then GoTo End_Sub
swDocType = swModel.GetType
If Not swDocType = swDocDRAWING Then GoTo End_Sub
Set swDrawing = swModel
If swDrawing Is Nothing Then GoTo End_Sub
Set swView = swDrawing.ActiveDrawingView
If swView Is Nothing Then GoTo End_Sub
lFaceId = 1
vViewCpns = swView.GetVisibleComponents
If IsEmpty(vViewCpns) Then GoTo End_Sub
For Each vViewCpn In vViewCpns
Set swViewCpn = vViewCpn
If swViewCpn Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewCpn
vViewFaces = swView.GetVisibleEntities2(swViewCpn, swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Face)
If IsEmpty(vViewFaces) Then GoTo Next_vViewCpn
For Each vViewFace In vViewFaces
Set swViewFace = vViewFace
If swViewFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewFace
Set swRefFace = swView.ReferencedDocument.Extension.GetCorrespondingEntity2(swViewFace)
If swRefFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewFace
cRefFaces.Add swRefFace
swRefFace.SetFaceId lFaceId
lFaceId = lFaceId + 1
Next vViewFace
Next vViewCpn
vViewHatches = swView.GetFaceHatches
If IsEmpty(vViewHatches) Then GoTo End_Sub
For Each vViewHatch In vViewHatches
Set swViewHatch = vViewHatch
If swViewHatch Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewHatch
Set swViewFace = swViewHatch.Face
If swViewFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewHatch
lFaceId = swViewFace.GetFaceId
Set swRefFace = cRefFaces(lFaceId)
If swRefFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewHatch
Set swRefBody = swRefFace.GetBody
If swRefBody Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vViewHatch
sRefBodyId = swRefBody.GetSelectionId
cRefBodyIds.Add sRefBodyId
Next vViewHatch
Set swBaseView = swView.GetBaseView
If swBaseView Is Nothing Then GoTo End_Sub
vBaseViewCpns = swBaseView.GetVisibleComponents
If IsEmpty(vBaseViewCpns) Then GoTo End_Sub
For Each vBaseViewCpn In vBaseViewCpns
Set swBaseViewCpn = vBaseViewCpn
If swBaseViewCpn Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vBaseViewCpn
vBaseViewFaces = swBaseView.GetVisibleEntities2(swBaseViewCpn, swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Face)
If IsEmpty(vBaseViewFaces) Then GoTo Next_vBaseViewCpn
For Each vBaseViewFace In vBaseViewFaces
Set swBaseViewFace = vBaseViewFace
If swBaseViewFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vBaseViewFace
Set swRefFace = swBaseView.ReferencedDocument.Extension.GetCorrespondingEntity2(swBaseViewFace)
If swRefFace Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vBaseViewFace
Set swRefBody = swRefFace.GetBody
If swRefBody Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vBaseViewFace
sRefBodyId = swRefBody.GetSelectionId
For Each vRefBodyId In cRefBodyIds
If Not sRefBodyId = vRefBodyId Then GoTo Next_vRefBodyId
Set swBaseViewEntity = swBaseViewFace
If swBaseViewEntity Is Nothing Then GoTo Next_vRefBodyId
swBaseViewEntity.Select4 True, Nothing
Next vRefBodyId
Next vBaseViewFace
Next vBaseViewCpn
End Sub
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