API to collect all properties of all features in a drawing


I'm looking for an API that brushes all the entities of a drawing (dimensions, annotations, geometric tolerances ,...), and that gives all the properties in the debug.print window only

Thank you for your help


Is this a bit of a broad subject!!

You can already start by listing all the views in the drawing: "GetFirstView"

Then for each view, list all the annotations: "GetFirstAnnotation"

Then for each type of annotation, list all the properties of it: Too many functions to list them all here, to look up by yourself!!!

Kind regards

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Same remark as d.roger, then you have to look at GetFirstDisplayDimension as well.

Each type of SW entity has its own procedure to be able to scan them all via a macro. You have to know what you want to list and then the help of the API is a great help.