Call a custom part property


In a drawing, I try to make a custom property of a room appear in a note.

The note is not attached to this room, the room does not appear in this plan as the main room.

I know how to look for a SW property (like the ground) of this part: "SW-Mass@pièce.SLDPRT"

Is it possible to get a "Rep" property of this room? I tried many combinations of $, @ , "", { }, instead of SW-Mass, but in vain!


You have to insert the note, then go to the left cologne as you specify for the ground etc...

and select the component and you will have a lot of annotation related to the part ...

My pc is lagging wait for me to send you a screenshot ...

Here is my screenshot sw2018 sp4




It doesn't work:

The note is not attached to this piece, it is a body of text that is not attached to any view in which I would like to retrieve part markers on several views.

The "SW-Mass@pièce.SLDPRT"  syntax allows you to retrieve the mass of "part. SLDPRT"  even if it is not present in the plan. it's just starting it in front of the @ that should be changed

Hello again,

ok so take a screenshot for me so I can better understand what you want... Thank you


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Good evening

To link a part property to an annotation in MEP -> right-click on the note -> Edit in a new window

Add $PRPSHEET:"filename" for example

Attached is an example file under SW2017



Thank you Yannick

$PRPSHEET:"filename"  returns the custom "filename" property of the document used as the drawing reference.

In my case, I'm not looking for the custom property of the document used as a reference. It is the drawing of a large assembly. In a corner, I want to put a note to explain the assembly:

"After lubrication, replace the "Rep@garisseur.SLDPRT" oiler  with the "Rep@bouchon.SLDPRT" plug.

This way, if the marker of the oiler or the cap changes, the text follows.

On the other hand, the syntax "Rep@garisseur.SLDPRT" is not good.  To display the mass, the syntax is "SW-Mass@graisseur.SLDPRT"

The question is: What to replace "SW-Mass" with to get the custom property "Rep"?


A simple question derived from the subject: in my case,

$PRPSHEET:"No_article" returns the custom property "No_article" of the document used as the drawing reference. Thank you Yannick for your method to link a property of a part to an annotation in a drawing, it works perfectly.

Now, I would like to be able to run a macro that saves my drawing in the directory of my choice in the form "No_article.pdf"

How do I retrieve this "No_article" property in a variable in a macro?

Thank you for your help


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