Applying a Distributed Load to the Edge of a Circle


I need to apply two loads distributed (vertically and horizontally) at the level of the holes in the ears of an anchor plate in order to simulate the forces applied by an anchor stay on the latter, do you think there is a method to do this?  

Thank you


Hello @ NOUINOU Amin

 YES! plus it's simple (or almost)

You must first create a zone with the separator lines function.

I suggest you look at the TUTORIAL I made for this purpose.

You will find in this second TUTORIAL a concrete application of the tutorial above.

We remain at your disposal to help you afterwards if you feel the need.

Kind regards

PS: by the way, it's a support on a portion of a diameter  (a bit like a bearing support) and not on the edge of a circle. But we got you ;-)

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Thank you, that's what I was looking for.

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Hello Nouinou Amin

You can close the topic if you're happy with the answer.