Mechanically welded articles with 2 bodies differentiated by drilling only

When I create a mechanically welded part, and I create a list of parts, Solidworks lists and groups all the bodies that are exactly the same.

My question is simple: can we make appear under the same article two pieces that are geometrically identical but one with a hole.

Because currently, I have 2 different bodies while there is just one piercing that changes...

(PS: I'd like to avoid configurations)

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I was going to talk about configuration until your last sentence...

Maybe by making the hole in a top assembly


Agree with Tomalam, by making the hole in the SW assembly should not make the difference between your parts, the problem is that the hole will only appear on the assembly plan! Beware of forgetfulness!!


Unfortunately, the configuration remains the best way to differentiate your 2 rooms.


This tool is made for that! =)

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Nothing prevents you from sliding your welded body (the one with a hole) into the body backrest (without a hole).



if you make a blank by removing all the holes it should work

and a drill folder in addition for the net

@+ ;-))


If you absolutely want to avoid a configuration, the @flegendre solution is suitable!

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With this link everything is there

To exclude a feature from the list of welded parts:

  1. Right-click the feature.

  2. Select Exclude from the list of welded parts. 

    The next time you refresh the welded parts list, the function will be excluded. To include a feature that was previously excluded, right-click and select
     Add to Welded Parts List.

@+ ;-))
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