Tube assembly converted to mechanically welded


I would like to know if it is possible to make a tube assembly and then convert it into a mechanically welded part.

Thank you in advance


What is the purpose, you can save your assembly into parts.

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Otherwise you can do like these and save under this piece because it will keep a link with the pieces. If you modify a part of the assembly and will follow into the part you created.

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I would say no in the sense that you will not recover the specific properties of welded mechanics.


We systematically make our frames in mechanically welded form.

Some pieces are reused in different studies. They have been codified and laid out, but we would like to insert them directly into a mechanically welded chssis^.

I had thought of saving the parts in the design library and inserting them via the derived function.

For me a welded frame = 1 piece, because it cannot be dismantled.

In addition, mechanically welded functions are more efficient than making an assembly.

In addition, when you are in a multibody room, the difference with an assembly becomes minimal. Indeed, it is possible to insert a part into a part and position it in the manner of constraints in an assembly. Thus, recurring parts (and/or parts already in drawing) can be inserted into a mechanically welded part while keeping their references and external links.


That's just my opinion, there are other methods that work too!

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Indeed, inserting the existing part into your mechanically welded is a solution, you will just have to juggle a little in terms of body properties for the list of parts to follow.

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