Dynamic assembly

Hello everyone ,

I have an aesthetic problem during my assembly, this problem can have a direct consequence on the functionality of the system.

There you go, my assembly is composed of a fixed part (chassis) and a moving part (plate) following a trajectory. I absolutely need to constrain the wheels of the  tray until they come in tangency with the floor without blocking the translation movement of the tray... The casters should slide on the floor. I put a picture to support all this a bit^^

After several tests of angular stresses, tangencies and other fantasies of all kinds, I can't find the right function to represent the real result. 

Is there a function that can simulate this movement?

I don't want to get this result by using the tool "move a component--> collision detection"



You just need to guide the extreme part of the tray a point with a spline. The spline will describe the actual trajectory of your tray in real life. It is recommended to make the spline in one piece.

Kind regards



Indeed it's a solution, I would have liked to constrain the volumes through the collision and not a sketch, but indeed it works. Thank you

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small problems... the stage and now it is already guided by a sketch simulating its trajectory on the fixed chassis.

It would therefore be necessary to constrain the moving part with two very distinct trajectories. the second one would simulate the trajectory of my wheels on the ground,  how to make this second sketch without constraining the first, I don't have any other element to guide it ... :') 

In fact your system works in 2 phases, so you will have to make 2 configurations:
- "In the air" phase
- Ground phase.
Normally you should be able to mechanically constrain (without going through trajectories), each of these configurations.

Normally this type of platform is always guided on rails and with a push pull with one or two hydraulic cylinders. A tilt cylinder and a forward-reverse travel cylinder.

If you want to do the entire kinematics with sketches, it's possible, but in this case you have to reason from the constraints of the assembly. In the case of flatbed trucks, it is the tilt cylinder that causes it to touch the ground, then the forward-rear travel cylinder that pushes the platform to the wheel.

The adjustment is made by the truck's suspensions and by a permanent change in the inclination by the operator. In your example, you may not be able to simulate suspension, but with free vertical guidance, the representatives it is possible.

You must be able to put angular limit constraints knowing that it is possible in cumulation several.

Posted your ASM that we look at the existing constraints.

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It is a system with a single cylinder, this cylinder is fixed on the platform and the fixed frame. It is also mounted in a pivot so that only one cylinder can be used. The tray is guided on a slide


I know in advance that my constraint of tangency between the wheels of the platform and the rail that guides them, is not good. I put it on the back so that it could look like something

For your assembly you have to make a take-away composition or pack an go in a ZIP file because your ASM is unusable as it is.

To everything'

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