Flexible Blocked Assembly

I made an assembly, of a hinge with two components, my two components are not blocked by a constraint, they rotate well along the axis of the hinge, but when I insert this assembly, in an assembly is that I make flexible, it is always stuck in rotation.

Do you have a solution

Flexible sub-assemblies

By default, when you create a subassembly, it is rigid. Within the parent assembly, the subassembly operates as a single unit, and its components do not move relative to each other. You can, however, make subassemblies flexible. It is then possible to move the individual components of the subassembly within the parent assembly.

This feature is useful when you want to move components from a piston subassembly into an engine assembly. You can move individual piston components while keeping them grouped into a subassembly.

Note the following points with respect to flexible subassemblies:

ConstraintsThe constraints of a flexible subassembly are resolved simultaneously with those of the parent assembly. Therefore, moving or rotating a subassembly component does not alter the constraints of the subassembly or its parent. A component moves only within the limits of the degrees of freedom granted to its constraints.
Multiple occurrencesYou can insert multiple occurrences of the subassembly into the same configuration of the parent assembly. Some occurrences may be rigid and others flexible; The components of the subassembly of the different occurrences can have different positions.
  1. In the FeatureManager authoring tree, click a subassembly and select Component Properties.
  2. In the dialog box, under Resolve As, select Flexible and click OK.

    Flexible is not available for lightweight subassemblies.

    The Component Properties dialog box allows you to modify other properties of the subassembly. If you only want to make the subassembly flexible, simply click Make Subassembly Flexible  on the context toolbar.

    In the FeatureManager authoring tree, the icon takes the shape  to indicate that the subassembly is flexible.

Switching between flexible and rigid states

You can switch between the flexible and rigid states for subassemblies from the subassembly hotbar.

To make a rigid subassembly flexible:

  1. Open an assembly that contains a rigid subassembly.
  2. In the FeatureManager Design Tree, click the rigid subassembly, and then click Make Subassembly Flexible . To make a subassembly flexible rigid, select the subassembly and click Make Subassembly Rigid .

    You can also click Flexible or Rigid  (Assembly toolbar).

    For models with multiple configurations, following this method affects only the active configuration.



Which version are you in and can you post your ASM and PRT in a zip file for us to take a look at?

Have you solved your problem?

You should know that the flexible function is a bit capricious in the case of a subassembly included in an assembly as described by GT22 

You have to go back to rigid mode and then to flexible again the sub-assembly so that it becomes flexible again.

This dysfunction has been feeding me for years, as the young people say.

Kind regards