Assembly, products in product


I'm doing a landing gear and I've grouped my different parts into different products. So I have a main product that includes several products containing all my parts. 

When I place one product in relation to another, I quickly get mistakes. I would like the parts of the sub-products to move automatically when I update to adapt to the constraints I request. 

I don't see how else to explain it...   Can you help me? Please




Hi, from what I understand about your problem, you need to make your product "flexible".

With the icon I attached.



Thank you but it still doesn't work.

I have two axes that I want to coincide with the associated holes. See screenshot

I'd like the gray product to "bend" so that it fits into the holes of the burgundy red -_-"


Simon.mougin's  answer is however correct.

On the other hand, in the screenshot where we see the constraints of the "Landing_gear_retractable" ASS, there is already a PB, no reference assembly is (Fixed).

You have to start by fixing an element in space.


Thank you, I just found a video (16:30).

My parts don't have the right size , maybe that's also my mistakes. I'm going to try again.

Some advice on how to properly constrain your ASS.

Tjrs fix a reference element, (e.g. building piece, support, screed, etc.).

Order the components of the assembly (e.g. assembly order).

Except in special cases (kinematic loop) constrain by selecting an element of the component To be positioned on an element of the component positioning it, but not reversing  (component positioning on component To be positioned).  

When possible, favor reference elements such as:

  • "Plan", parent of the flat surface of the geometry (rather than this surface).
  • "Axis, straight line" of revolution parent of the revolution (rather than the implied axis shown by Catia when pointing to the surface of revolution).


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