Increase the zoom wheel

Hello to you,


I have a question that would seem very silly but to which I have not found an answer, can we increase the zoom used by the mouse wheel?

To my knowledge, the adjustment of the windows wheel increment has no impact  on the SW zoom


Thank you


You know that if you use the shift key and your wheel pressed.

As soon as you have a double arrow that appears, you can release Shift.

However, the wheel must be held down as long as you zoom in or out.

With this layout, you can zoom in at any speed you want and even continuously vary the speed.

This way, your mouse settings are not changed for any other use on your Machine. Indeed the needs are very different depending on what you do in SW and if you do basic office automation ;-)

Kind regards

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Yes I knew the way to zoom in with Shift, but it's not the most practical.

The end of your message implies that you know how to change this setting for SW?


Have a nice day