Autodesk showcase

Recording problem on showcase 2014

After importing my assembly and when saving, the following message appears:


"set name".a3s could not be saved: u'\xc3'.


Does anyone have a solution to this problem please?


Are you trying to record on the network or locally?

Maybe it would be a legal problem?

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Is it a conversion from 2013 to 2014?


They talk about it here:


And the solution would be to install this add-on:

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He stole my avatar.   :)

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I found it.

This is a bug that appears as soon as the filename contains accents or other special characters.

A fix fixes the pn.

Thank you all the same for your remarks.


PS for sb. Apologies I'll change as soon as possible

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This is exactly what is written in the 1st link I posted and the second link sends to the fix.