SmartProperties Update Automation


In SMARTPROPERTIES, I made a SolidWorks variable property for the document name.

It works very well. But if I change the name of the document, the property will only update if I relaunch SmartProperties.

However, I make take-home compositions (with a change of document name) of assemblies comprising several hundred pieces.

So I'd like to know if there's an easier and less time-consuming way to refresh SmartProperties properties without having to open the room, open SmartProperties, accept, save the room,... and this for each piece.

Thanks in advance!  


If you have SmartProperties you also have BatchProperties or INtegration to make bulk changes to properties.




From memory, in our old smartproperties we had the same kind of property and we didn't have this problem.

I'll see if I find an old profile to load it and check.

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I had indeed thought about using BatchProperties and Integration.

These tools allow me to change a property, for example the name of the document. However, I have a lot of properties that follow depending on the name of the document. If I use these software, the links will not work, and all of my properties will not update (depending on the name of the document).

After checking we didn't have the variable name of the part in the end.

My memory fails...

Otherwise one possibility is to create a rule in integration in order to launch and validate the smartproperties on all your rooms.

If you want, here's how to create the integration rule:

1- You launch integration

2-New rule (blank page icon)

3-add an action (name it Smart auto for example)

4-take the systematic condition in (defining a condition/solidworks and drag it into the Condition/And folder

5-Click on Definition of Operation/Miscellaneous/Launch of a Macro

And choose the SmartProperties 2014-Auto.swp macro  (in the mycad installation directory)



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Perfect, it works great!

I didn't know about the existence of this macro

Thank you very much!