With a macro, from an MEP, I would like to recover the property of the referenced PRT or ASM

I made a macro to generate a PDF and a DWG of the open MEP in SW.

I take the opportunity to rename the generated file with name, number and hint.

For properties in the MEP, I use Revision = swModel.CustomInfo("Revision"), but what syntax should I use to retrieve a property from the PRT or ASM that is referenced in the MEP.

The macro allows me to generate the files individually, or to call it with the Integration utility to process a batch of files


thank you in advance for your answers


I'm not sure you can do it directly from the MEP, but you can find the name of the referenced 3D model with the "GetReferencedModelName()" function, open this 3D model, note the properties you are interested in, close the 3D model and then continue your processing on the MEP, All this by macro of course.

Kind regards


Otherwise another proposal, I see that you have the Mycad tools, and Integration should allow you to perform all these functions without the need to create a macro.

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Thank you for your answers.

I don't master macros enough to get started with d.roger's proposal.

With Integration, I haven't seen how to generate pdf or dwg. With Batch Converter, it works, and I can retrieve the information of the part!

But it's a bit cumbersome: I have to launch Integration and then Batch Converter, and each time drag the list of files (not possible to save a list of files for example) into each utility


Thank you both, and have a good day



Dim sModelName                  As String
Dim ValOut                      As String
Dim ResolvedValOut              As String
Dim sConfigName                 As String
Dim WasResolved                 As Boolean
Dim swModelDocExt               As ModelDocExtension
Dim swCustProp                  As CustomPropertyManager

Sub main()
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
If swModel Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox ("Pas de document ouvert")
        If swModel.GetType <> 3 Then
            MsgBox ("Il ne s'agît pas d'une mise en plan")
            Set swDraw = swModel
                vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames
                vSheetNameArr = swDraw.GetSheetNames

                For Each vSheetName In vSheetNameArr
                    bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(vSheetName): Debug.Assert bRet
                    Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView 'Sélectionne le fond de plan
                    Set swView = swView.GetNextView  'Passe à la vue suivante pour exclure le fond de plan
                    'Debug.Print swView.GetName2
                    While Not swView Is Nothing
                    ' Determine if this is a view of a part or assembly

                        sModelName = swView.GetReferencedModelName

                        sModelName = LCase(sModelName)
                        sConfigName = swView.ReferencedConfiguration
                        FileConnu = False
                        If InStr(sModelName, "sldprt") > 0 Then
                            nDocType = swDocPART
                        ElseIf InStr(sModelName, "slasm") > 0 Then
                            nDocType = swDocASSEMBLY
                            nDocType = swDocNONE
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                       If nDocType = 1 Or nDocType = 2 Then
                            Call Export
                       End If
                        Set swView = swView.GetNextView

Next vSheetName
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub Export()
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(sModelName, nDocType, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", nErrors, nWarnings)
Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
Set swCustProp = swModelDocExt.CustomPropertyManager(sConfigName)
boolstatus = swCustProp.Get5("Revision", False, ValOut, ResolvedValOut, WasResolved)
End Sub


Following the boolstatus, you need to retrieve the ValOut or ResolvedValout value (depending on the field repatriated, the second corresponding to the value entered in the "Evaluated value" column) in a string variable and then concatenate it with the registration name.

I didn't put all the variables, you just have to add what you lack to your macro.

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I'll have to find some time to try and fine-tune it...

However, I don't really understand this part of the code:

vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames
vSheetNameArr = swDraw.GetSheetNames
                For Each vSheetName In vSheetNameArr

Next vSheetName

Does this loop count the different views of the drawing sheet or the drawing sheets? (Sheetname reminds me of the name of the sheet (like in Excel), but it would make sense to "count" the drawing views instead)



For Each vSheetName In vSheetNameArr: All sheets in the drawing.

While Not swView Is Nothing: All views in the sheet that are being analyzed.

So all the views of all the sheets....

Kind regards

Thank you

Yes, on the other hand I have a treatment so that I don't loop for nothing on the same file.